Author Guidelines
Rules of Writing Articles in Psikoanalisis
Title of Articles
Formulated with clear and concise, written in Bahasa Indonesia by using Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, bold, single spacing, left margin, uppercase and less than 15 words. Name the author of all without a title, written with Times New Roman font, size 12pt, bold, left margin. The name of the second row in the order agency or institution(s) authors, written with Times New Roman font, size 12pt, left margin. Author email address in the third row, written with Times New Roman font, size 12pt, left margin. If there is a second and subsequent writers, writing together with the identity of the first author.
Maximum length of abstract is 150 words, written in English and Bahasa Indonesia by using Times New Roman font, size 12pt, single spacing. Leave one blank line between title-author heading and abstract text. Begin the first word at the extreme left. Type the entire abstract as single paragraph. The contents are objective research, method, population, sample, sampling technique, instruments, data analysis technique, and result. Leave one blank line, then begin the line with the word Keywords (no more than five keywords in lowercase).
Articles written by format two columns. Introduction need to be given a title Pendahuluan [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold] written immediately after the keywords. It described with the previous state of the art research. At least 5 pieces of literature can be able to justify novelty, overcome a problem, urgency and rationalization of activities, literature review, problem-solving plan, and hypothesis development, analysis GAP, solution to problems, renewal of science, reference to primary sources, describe objectives and hypotheses at the end of the introduction [Times New Roman, 12pt, Normal, Single Spacing].
Method need to be given a title Metodologi Penelitian [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold]. Method contains the objective, type of approach, and type of the method is used, the data describing the qualitative and/or quantitative approach, population, sample, sampling technique, instruments, and analysis procedures [Times New Roman, 12pt, Normal, Single Spacing].
Results and Discussion
Results and Discussions need to be given a title Hasil dan Pembahasan [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold]. Hasil dan Pembahasan divided into two subtitles: Hasil Penelitian [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold] and Pembahasan [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold]. Hasil Penelitian contains the answers to the problems of research in quantitative and/or qualitative in a clear, precise, and complete that can use the information in the form of pictures/graphs/tables/actual description. Pembahasan provides some arguments of the research results, related to the concept or theory and other relevant research results, interpretation of the findings, limitations of the study, and their implications for development or scientific concepts [Times New Roman, 12pt, Normal, Single Spacing].
Conclusion need to be given a title Kesimpulan [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold]. Conclusion contains a summary of the answers to the problems the research is a contribution to the development of science [Times New Roman, 12pt, Normal, Single Spacing].
References need to be given a title Daftar Acuan [Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold]. Reference sources of at least 10-15 with 80% of literature published in the last 5-10 years. References must refer to the seventh edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) publication manual. All sources listed in the reference must be in article scripts using reference applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote.
Try to avoid the use of footnotes.
Figures, Diagrams & Tables
Place diagrams, figures, tables and pictures should be centred and in correct location in your text. Each diagram, figure, table, and picture are presented in 1 column format which placed on the top or bottom of the page. They should have a title using the following guide: Figure 1: Title [Times New Roman, 12pt). The grey scale images is preferred. When using labels within a diagram, figure, table and picture please ensure that labels have horizontal orientation.
Articles are written in accordance with the Manuscript Templates provided.